Monday, October 12, 2015

stand up

Have u ever noticed that the people that are bullying have been subject to bullying themselves.
Well if you are one if those people u shouldbe willing to go to an adult and let them know what's going on.
You shouldn't just bullying people because u have its not right.
You shouldn't  make others sad because you were.
Instead u should encourage them to tell an adult.
If u they or anyone else is being bullied u should stand up for them.
And don't try to egg it on by laughing or entertaining the bully.
And also you should try to set up some sort of bullying campaign to help raise awareness about bullying.
You should try to stand up for what is right and not engage in that kind of activity.
And the bottom line is if your in need if supportfind a ttru friend or admin that can really help you. 

Monday, October 5, 2015


Bullying is a serious thing and are country.
it takes the life of countless teens everyday and its seems to hurt alot of people.
everyday u say something about someone u never really know what it does to them on the inside.
you should be a advocate for people that's being bullied and stand up for them.